
File type identification tool.

detectiteasy: Detect It Easy, or abbreviated "DIE" is a program for determining types of
files. The program defines the types MSDOS, PE, ELF, MACH and Binary.

  • filetype: <string> "PE32", "PE64", "ELF32", "ELF64", "Mach-O64".
  • values: list of artifacts detected in the file.
    • info: <string> context of the artifact (i.e. "Native", "GUI32", "NRV", etc).
    • version: <string>.
    • type: <string> general type of detection ("Linker", "Compiler", "Packer", etc).
    • name: <string> item specific name ("UPX", "Microsoft Linker", "gcc(GNU)", etc).
	"data": {
		"attributes": {
			"detectiteasy": {
				"filetype": "<string>",
				"values": [{
					"info": "<string>",
					"version": "<string>",
					"type": "<string>",
					"name": "<string>"
				}, ...]
	"data": {
		"attributes": {
			"detectiteasy": {
				"filetype": "PE32",
				"values": [{
						"version": "2.12-2.42",
						"type": "Packer",
						"name": "ASPack"
						"type": "Compiler",
						"name": "Borland Delphi"
						"info": "GUI32",
						"version": "2.25*,Delphi",
						"type": "Linker",
						"name": "Turbo Linker"